Chinese spy ‘with close links’ to Prince Andrew banned from UK
A suspected Chinese operative, closely linked to the Duke of York, has been barred from entering the UK amid concerns he could pose a threat to the royal. The 50 year old man was taken off a plane from Beijing to London in February 2023 and told Britain was to ban him from the country.
The judgement disclosed that Prince Andrew had formed a bond with the individual, known as H6, during the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, a time when the Duke of York was “under considerable pressure and could be expected to value (his) loyal support”. A note on H6’s phone outlined talking points for a conversation with Andrew, indicating that the prince “is in a desperate situation and will grab onto anything”.
At yesterday’s hearing, it was revealed that H6 maintained an “unusually close” relationship with Prince Andrew, having even received an invitation to the Duke of York’s birthday celebration in 2020. Briefings from 2022 suggested that H6 facilitated connections between British figures and Chinese officials for “political interference purposes”.
The judges affirmed: “The Secretary of State was entitled to conclude that the applicant represented a risk to the national security of the United Kingdom, and that she was entitled to conclude his exclusion was justified and proportionate.”
“He has settled status, a home and extensive business interests in the United Kingdom. He was regarded as a close confidant of the Duke.